Top Life Story Book Writer: Get your Life Story In A Book UK

No matter if you are a true, hard-core biography reader – or if you are someone like us who is more into fiction but planning to attempt reading a biography in the future, then this one is for you!

To be frank with you, we never thought we would ever think of reading a biography until our favourite friend (y’all know whom we are talking about) – Matthew Perry released his biography. That was it!

Well, for some, this shift was caused due to the former American President – Barack Obama, for others, it was the courageous young lady – Malala Yousafzai.

But for us, it was none other than our most beloved Chandler Bing (Whoops! Matthew Perry*).

Reading that book proved that biographies are a charming way to get acquainted with someone’s life and learn from their experiences. So, to help you navigate this thing called life and to get familiar with some of the most influential biographies out there, we have crafted this blog.

Maybe someday, if you wish for the world to know your inspirational story, you know what to do! So, read this blog to learn about some of the bestselling biographies out there!

5 Most Famous Biographies | Book Expert Recommendations

#1 – Steve Jobs: A Biography By Walter Isaacson

Well, what is stopping you from starting your biography TBR pile with a bang with this masterpiece of the infamous (or famous) Steve Jobs? Yes, that is right! He is the person who gave us Apple (and a lot more). After reading a handful of excerpts from Isaacson’s biography of this influential man, people can gain an understanding that Jobs is a father, a genius, a perfectionist, a madman, a cancer fighter, and the list goes on

In simpler terms, Steve Jobs is a fascinating and exceptional human, and this biography – like most other biographies sheds light on every aspect of Jobs without sugarcoating the darkness. It is a brilliant account of this no-less brilliant life and his dedication to his products (which paid off very well). Walter Isaacson proved to be one of the best biography writers by penning down this book so beautifully.

#2 – Friends, Lovers, And The Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir By Matthew Perry

World-famous Canadian-American actor who played the role of our favourite Chandler Bing in Friends wrote his memoir in 2022. Unlike a lot of other celebrity memoirs, Perry sought no help from a ghostwriter. This is what makes it awfully heart-shattering – reading this book will make you feel like hearing a funny friend speaking about the nightmare he is going through. To say that this memoir is heartwrenching would be an understatement. In this book, this gem of a person tried his best to convey my life in chapters. He shed light on what it is like to suffer and live with a life-threatening addiction and why it is nearly impossible to find a way out. He talks about half of his life and a million dollars spent in rehab. You must give this book a read if you wish to know about addiction or simply more about the person who played Chandler Bing.

#3 – E=mc2: A Biography Of The World’s Most Famous Equation By David Bodanis

This book is not truly a biography of the smart Albert Einstein – rather it is a biography of his popular equation itself. How awesome this is! And do not be fooled – even if you have no knack for science or maths or equations in general, this biography still proves to be a compelling read about each and everything related to this life-changing equation. It revolves around its brilliant history to the development of one of its elements to which discoveries it made practicable. It is safe to conclude that it is due to this simple (yet not-so-simple equation) that changed the entire course of history. Life story book writers can truly change your narrative in an ideal manner.

#4 – The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot

This book is all about Henrietta Lacks (people in the scientific community might know her as HeLa). Lacks was an impoverished Southern farmer. It was indeed her cells which became a revolution in the medical field, however, it might come as a shock to you that her cells were taken without her consent or knowledge. While Henrietta has been buried in an unmarked grave for decades now her cells are still alive as they were the first ones to be grown and were vital for producing a lot of medical marvels such as the polio vaccine.

Years later, the ruthless scientists did not stop, they wanted more. So, they also started using Henrietta’s children and husband for research purposes. Again, without their consent. And apart from the billions of dollars that were made due to those cells, Henrietta’s family never got a single penny out of that.

This is a perfectly important biography that raised the voice of a woman and her family who were critically abused by the scientific community. It highlights the dark and vicious side of the medical research on bioethics and African Americans.

#5 – Becoming By Michelle Obama

Lastly, we have “Becoming” on our list of the best biographies. It lifts the lid on the inspiring life of one of the most powerful women of a generation. That is right! This book is all about the life of the former first lady Michelle Obama. Straight from her childhood as a talented young lady in south Chicago to becoming the First Lady of the United States of America, Obama shares snippets of my life in a book with utmost warmth, honesty, and humour.

What Makes A Good Biography Writer?

Biographies are how people get to learn more about another person’s life. No matter whether you wish to start writing a biography about a historical figure, an influential family member, a famous person, or any other person, it is essential to know each and every element that makes a biography worth both reading and writing. To write the life story of a person’s life, you have to know a lot more than just mere basic facts. A perfect biography dives deeper into what is genuinely interesting about a person’s life. It might include major turning points, moments of adversity, noteworthy achievements, and so much more. The best biographies revolve around a subject’s whole life in a mesmerizing way and offer sufficient personal details to give the readers a closer look at the character’s life. Here are some steps if you wish to write a perfectly well biography on your own.

  1. Get permission
  2. Do your research
  3. Form your thesis
  4. Make a timeline
  5. Use flashbacks
  6. Include your thoughts
  • What are the 5 most common types of biographies out there?

Among the many forms of biographies written throughout history, the five most common ones are:

  1. Scholarly chronicles
  2. Intellectual biography
  3. Life history writing
  4. Memoir biography
  5. Narrative biography and a lot more
  • How can I wrap or write my life in a good short biography?

In order to wrap your life in a fascinating short biography, you need to pay attention to your most vital achievements, experiences, relevant skills, and much more. Try your best to keep it short and keep your audience in mind to get them hooked and foster a memorable impression.

  • What is one of the top life biographies written by life storybook writers?

A lot of popular biographies are often life histories that revolve around general readership. The most popular examples of such biographies include:

  1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears and a lot more
  • What elements can make me a good biography writer?

Biography writers possess the power to make their work accurate by learning a lot about their subjects. They study materials including personal letters, diaries, autobiographies, oral histories, and much more. The most precise biographies are based on proper historical evidence.

  • Who writes a biography?

Biographies are written are authors or biographers – who write an account of another person’s life. On the other hand, there are autobiographers, who write their own life stories. 

Summing It All Up!

And that is all, folks! Writing a biography does not only require a transaction of facts. As a biographer, you might have to share your own opinions and feelings on your subject’s life. If your subject did something exceptional, you might want to include that moment was significant, how it was impacted by the time, and what it meant for the whole society. Lastly, we want you to keep in mind that you can never write a brilliant biography on your first go. Like every good thing, it will also take a lot of time for you to get perfect. Make it your habit to always proofread your masterpieces. And that is all!

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